The components are as follows:

Page : static pages with multi-language support.

Meetings : face-to-face meetings, that is, face-to-face events included in a process. They can be debate sessions, information sessions, etc.

Proposals : written contributions from users to the platform, which can be the subject of a decision.

Budgets : specific module to deploy a participatory budgeting process. It allows determining the minimum percentage of the total budget to support the projects presented.

Surveys : to conduct surveys.

Follow-up: to follow up on proposals.

Discussions : to have discussions. We recommend not using it, as the functionality is similar to proposals and, in addition, it allows the traceability of proposals.

To configure the functionalities, click Components in the process submenu. A list appears with the components that have already been configured by the process: the Name of the component and the Type that was used to create it (Figure 1). From this list, through the icons, you can perform the following actions: Manage , Publish / Unpublish , Configure , configure Permissions and Delete .

Actions to be taken

Fig. 1. Management of components

To configure a new component, click Add component in the upper right part of the window and select the type of component you want to configure in the dropdown (Figure 2).

Add component to the top right

Fig. 2. Management of components


These are pages that you can edit with the information you want.

To add a page, click Page in the Add Component dropdown (Figure 3).

The window Add component: Page opens, the fields must be filled in (Figure 4):

Name : name of the page.

Weight : corresponds to the order in which the components (in this case, the page) are displayed in the menu of the participatory process. The more weight, the more to the right.

Global settings : (only if you want to show a Notice on the Page ) write the content of the message.

Phase configuration: ( only if you want to show a Warning on the Page during the execution of a phase) write the content of the message in the phase in which it should be output.

Fig. 3. Add page

Fig. 4. Edit page


To be able to add face-to-face events, you must first configure the Meetings component. In the Add component dropdown, click Encounters , which opens the Add component: Encounters window (Figure 5).

It is necessary to give a Name to the meeting, select the Order (position in the process menu), and write the notices , if applicable, in Global Settings and Phase Settings , and mark (by clicking) Comments enabled/blocked so that the participants of the process can make comments in the meetings. Next, click Add component .

Once the Encounters component is configured, the specific Encounters can be created. In the sub-menu on the left of the participation process, under Components , click the name you gave the component). The Meetings window opens, with the list of meetings that have been previously created (Figure 6).

Fig. 5. Meetings component

Fig. 6. List of meetings

From this window, by clicking on the icons you can perform the following actions:

  • Preview how the meeting post will look
  • edit
  • Configuration of Registrations
  • Close the meeting once done
  • Attach files
  • Delete (remove the encounter).

To create a meeting, click New at the top right of the meeting window (Figure 6). The Create Meeting window opens.

Fig. 7. Create meeting

The information that must be edited when creating an encounter is (Figure 7):

  • title
  • Description
  • Address : street name, number, postal code, city
  • Location : name of the building, room where it will be held...
  • Location details : if applicable, how to get there, flat, block, etc.
  • Start time and End time : select the date and times in the calendar that appears by clicking in the field.
  • Category to : If applicable, select the category from the dropdown.

To activate registrations for the meeting, in the Meetings window (Figure 7), click the Registrations icon. The Registrations window opens (Figure 8), in which you must click on Registrations enabled , select from the drop-down Registrations available for the meeting , the available capacity (leave it at 0 if the available spaces are unlimited), and write the Registration Terms in the corresponding field. When finished, click Save . From this window, registrations can be exported in CSV, Excel (XLS) or JSON formats by selecting the format in the Export drop-down.

Fig. 8. Enable registrations

If you want to attach a file to the meeting information, in the Meetings window, click the Attachments icon. The Attachments window opens, where the list will appear if there are other attachments and from which you can Edit or Delete the attachments.

Click New/Go to attach a file. Then, in the New Attachment window, type the Title and Description , upload the file (by clicking Browse in File ), and click Create Attachment (Figure 9) .

Select create attachment

Fig. 9. Create attachment to meetings


To configure the Proposals functionality, in the process submenu , click Components , then click Add component in the upper right part of the window and select Proposals . The Add functionality: Proposals window opens (Figure 10). The information to be entered when setting up the proposal component is:

Fig. 10. Create proposals


Weight: the order in which the Proposals component should be displayed in the participatory process menu.

Global settings:

- Vote limit: Select, if applicable, the limit of supports that a user can give.

We recommend not using this functionality for the time being, as the participatory processes initiated by the Generalitat are more geared towards deliberation.

- Check the options you want to enable for the general settings of the Proposals functionality: Official Response to Proposals Enabled , Official Proposals Enabled , Comments Enabled , Geocoding Enabled , and Allow Attachments .

We recommend leaving enabled the fields that come by default and enabling Allow attachments , so that citizens can add attached documents to the proposals they make.

- Warning: write it if you want to show a warning when the user person is making a proposal .

- Help text when creating a new proposal: type it if you want to show it.

Phase configuration:

- Mark the options you want to activate for each of the phases: Supports enabled , Supports blocked , Hidden votes (if the votes are enabled, by checking this option the number of votes is hidden), Comments blocked , Enable the creation of proposals , and Official response to activated proposals.

We recommend leaving the default fields enabled. We propose a text as a model response: "Thank you for your participation. Your proposal is being evaluated."

- Warning: write it if you want to show a warning when the user person is making a proposal .

Fig. 11. Create proposals

To finish, click Add functionality .

To manage the proposals, that is to say accept/reject the proposals made by the participants during the process, click Proposals in the submenu of the process.

The Proposals window opens, where there is a list of all the proposals and for each a series of information ( Title , Category , Scope , and Status, that is, if it is Accepted , Rejected , or No response ), and the possible Actions ( Reply and Preview ).

Fig. 12. Window with the proposals received

To answer the proposals, click the Answer icon, and the Answer to the proposal window will open, in which you must mark Accepted or Rejected and write the reason or the answer you want to give in the Answer box.

Accepting or rejecting a proposal refers to whether it will be carried out or not. For this reason, if at the time of participation it is not yet known, you can keep "Under study" with a text like "Thank you for participating. Your proposal is being evaluated."

If in the planning or execution phase of the public policy it is already known whether or not the proposal is accepted, the status can be changed. In this case, we recommend that you always explain why it is accepted or why it is not.

Fig. 13. Respond to proposals

Proposals and/or comments can also be exported in CSV or JSON formats by clicking Export in the top right.


To configure the participatory budgeting functionality, in the process submenu, click Components , then Add component in the upper right part of the window and select Budgets . The Add functionality: Budgets window opens. The fields must be filled in:

  • Name: name of the functionality.
  • Order: corresponds to the order in which we want the component to be displayed in the process menu.
  • Global settings :
    • Total Budget: Select the figure from the dropdown.
    • Percentage of minimum budget to vote: Select the percentage from the dropdown.
    • Comments Enabled: Check to allow comments.
    • Warning: Type this if you want to display a warning.
  • Phase configuration ; for each phase mark the appropriate options:
    • Comments Blocked : Check if comments should not be allowed.
    • Enabled supports : it is possible to collect supports (votes) for the projects.
    • Show Votes: Shows the number of times a project has been selected
    • Warning: Type this if you want to show a warning in any phase.

To finish, click Add Component .

Fig. 14. Create budgets

Once the budget functionality is configured, the projects that will be voted on must be created. In the sub-menu of the participatory process, under Components , select the name you gave the functionality), and click New . The New Result window opens. The fields that appear on the form are the following:

  • title
  • Description
  • budget
  • Scope: Select the scope from the drop-down menu.
  • Category: If applicable, select the category from the drop-down menu (which previously had to be created when generating the participatory process).
  • Related Proposals: Select the proposals that are related to the project.


Fig. 15. Budgets

To edit the projects to vote, in the sub-menu of the participatory process, under Components, select the name of the functionality.

The Projects window opens. Click the corresponding icons: Preview to see how it will look, Edit , Attachments to add documents or Delete . From this window you can also see the supports that the different projects have received ( Number of votes ) and the total votes ( Finalized votes and Votes in process , i.e. that the participant has started to vote but has not yet vote cast).

Fig. 16. Budgets

In addition to creating the projects, you need to specify who will be able to support them. In the Process sub-menu, click Components and the Permissions icon for (Name budgets) .

Fig. 17. Budgets


To be able to do surveys.


To configure the Tracking component, in the process submenu, click Components , then click Add component in the upper right part of the window and select Tracking . The Add Component: Tracking window opens.

 This functionality is enabled to monitor the results, of how citizens' proposals are applied to the public policy under debate.

As an intermediate proposal to work on the return and retention of accounts with citizens, we propose that you can prepare a first return.

This consists in demonstrating to the participants that they have been listened to, that they have been taken note of and that the information obtained has been processed.

For this reason, it is highly recommended to draw up a document of conclusions explaining which proposals are accepted, which are not and why. You can create this document or page with the Page functionality, under the heading Return (Example return page figure).

Example figure of Return Page


To have discussions. We recommend not using it, as the functionality is similar to proposals and, in addition, it allows the traceability of proposals.