A participative process will be reflected on the Participa portal in different phases, each with a predefined start and end date at the beginning, with the aim that citizens are clear at which point in the process they are and how they can participate in every moment

As a guideline, the standard structure of a participatory process can be: information phase, citizen participation phase, results collection phase (first return), evaluation and monitoring phase (second return).

To configure process phases, click Process Phases in the Participatory Process submenu, then click New/Go . The New Participatory Process Phase window opens (Figure 1).

New phase of participatory process

Fig. 1. Creation of phases of the participatory process

For each of the phases, you must write:



Start date and End date

Once done, click Create .

To activate the phase the process is in, in the process submenu  click Process Phases . The window opens with all the phases of the process that have been configured and the icons that allow you to activate , edit and delete each one. Click Activate in the corresponding phase (Figure 2). It should be noted that the change of phases is not automatic and you will have to be aware of this aspect.

Fig. 2. Phases of the participatory process

Users will be able to view the different phases and descriptions that have been configured, by clicking See the phases (in the banner image, on the right). The phase that is active will be marked in red (Figure 3).

active phase

Fig. 3. How the user views the phases of the participatory process